How My Company Did $3 Million+ in Sales with almost $0 in Marketing Spend

Daniel Kao
2 min readOct 11, 2022


The Biggest Problem Every Company Has

There’s a lot of amazing businesses out there right now. Companies and entrepreneurs with a vision or product that will make the world a little better tomorrow.

Everything from solving some of today’s most complex problems to the local brewery wanting to give the community the best flavors of beer they know. Because it’s going to brighten someone’s day and bring people together. And that’s why they’re in the business they’re in.

But what’s the biggest problem they all have?

The answer is nobody knows about them.

Understandably so. Because a lot of the expertise of businesses is in what they do — whether it be culinary, the housing market, cars, plumbing, solar panels, retail, or whatever product they are an expert in.

How to Solve the Problem

So how can they get the word out on their product or service?

There are virtually limitless ways. Word of mouth, email, paid ads, content, video, social media, partnerships, influencers, direct mailing, etc.

So then the next issue most businesses run into is finding out which method works best for them.

While there is not always a clear-cut answer for every business, there are some principles that have helped guide our business to doing well over $3 Million dollars in sales.

One of the best principles is just trying different things until you find something that works.

Our Marketing Secret

And here’s one of the secrets that worked well for us.

Putting on virtual events and distributing it through multiple channels with well over 10 million visitors per month in traffic.

Don’t believe me?

Here are just a few sites you can create and list an event for free on and the Monthly Traffic it has: — 11.2 Million/ Month Traffic — 1.4 Million/ Month Traffic

Once you have an awesome virtual event idea, you can then list it on local News/Government/City websites for free as well.

Here’s just an example of a few listing sites for Tampa Bay: — 1 Mil/Month Traffic — 780,000/ Month Traffic — 950,000/ Month Traffic

The crazy thing about it is it’s essentially free to do. It just takes a lot of time and certainly some experience also helps.

Want to learn more about how to create a successful virtual event that helps you get the word out on your business?

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